Wednesday, January 21, 2009
i had nothing to blog about this few days actually. but then my day, although coming to an end soon, was instantly brightented by a very timely phone call.
it wasn't a girl. it wasn't one of my best friends. it wasn't even someone i've know for very long. but it was my buddy from BRT. and buddies we sure were. i haven't seen him for 9 weeks after seeing almost everyday for a near three months, but we have occasionally texted so it was really good to hear from him today. we chatted about the normal crap stuff and i don't remember laughing so cheerfully for awhile now, even if it was for just five minutes.
i miss being a recruit. i now know why everyone says that basic training is the best time of your whole NS life. it's not a lie to encourage you when you first enlist, or to promote optimism when entering a prolonged dreary period. it is quite plainly the truth.
getting punished together cos of one joker's mistake. looking forward to mealtimes which were more or less the only breaks for the whole day, only to be greeted by the marvels of cookhouse cuisine. fooling around in the evenings, bordering dangerously on the boundaries of ragging. feasting like animals on McDonalds after lights out. taking the mickey of the instructors at the risk of getting screwed by them. shitting our pants when encik thong conducted uniform check and footdrill.
i remember jokingly saying "X more weeks and i won't have to see you assholes anymore" to spur ourselves closer towards POP. everyone would laugh and there were some people i don't need to see for the rest of my life. but then there are a select bunch, like hafiz, that i would not mind spending another one year eight months of being a recruit with. people like sayufi, pung, amit.
here's to what i know will be the best lasting memory of my two years in NS. gabriel out.
lights off, pyjamas on
9:12 PM
Monday, January 19, 2009
the weekend was spent bringing didi around. it was pretty awesome fun actually. he arrived on saturday evening, we came home to put his stuff down before heading to novena for chicken rice. we had two plates each, before marc came down with his friends. after they had dinner themselves, we went down to arab st for some top-notch shisha haha. ran into dan who was there with yuwei as well as some friends from Australia.
post-shisha, we headed down to ButterFactory where we had a crazy time, farewelling zhi, welcoming didi, just basically finding every excuse to consume murderous amounts of alcohol. i knew it was getting out of hand when we were sitting on the floor by the singapore river unabashedly and talking at the top of our voices. it was awesome fun cause we had such a big party with amos, jwong, josey and his girlfriend and her friends. zhi and amos disappeared to zouk for awhile but before i even realised we boarded their cars and headed to newton for supper!
woke up nice and early on sunday after only 5 hours of sleep because we had to bring didi out of course! so after the longest time ever, i actually walked around Orchard and lo and behold, i found so many nice things. ok they were mostly tshirts but i also can remember wanting a new crumpler, as well as the $300+ eastpak bag that didi showed me. apart from that, millions of tshirts i just needa remember what shops i went to haha. anyway CNY is approaching so needa buy new clothes.
went holland for dinner where we ran into amos and zhi so we joined them while waiting for marc. zhi left for the airport slightly after yongs and NatBala joined us. marc finally reached and brought didi for ThaiExpress. we left before 12 cause i had work this morning.
all in all, an eventful weekend. bereft of rest but intoxicated on fun, here's hoping that life is on the up. gabriel out.
lights off, pyjamas on
8:26 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
first time posting since i officially OOC-ed. gab is no longer a medic, but has been transferred to HQ operations dept as a rescuer. i would talk more about my new posting but i don't really have the mood now. so another time.
i think staying in my room and being on the computer for prolonged periods is bad for my mental health. before i know it, i am in a heightened state of emo again, having decided to turn my back on the world. because although the world has different kinds of people, i realise that they are all rather nasty.
there are the perfect specimens, right on top of the human food chain, living in their pretty little worlds. it's not their fault that they were born so good and neither can they help acknowledging that they're so much better than the rest of us. they only enjoy the company of those perceived as their equal, whether it be of similar wealth, status or intelligence, and find it as their right to snub those lower down the caste system. no matter how hard you try, you will never be close enough, but you don't stop trying because of how perfect they are.
there is also the self-centred. these selection of humans' sole purpose is to please themselves. they often demand alot and never truly acknowledge the efforts from their peers to accomodate them. however, when the tables are turned and requests are made of them, they don't see it as necessary or polite to return the favour, focussing solely on whether the situation benefits them and their desires.
then there are the scavengers. these select group are the main proponents and believers in an unequal exchange. they exploit and take advantage of any ounce of kindness in a person's heart by using you to procur item(s) of their fancies but they can't quite remember when they did the same for you. if they even do feel a slight pang of shame, their conflicting emotions are soon easily resolved by treating you to something that is just not quite of the equal value. people like this bring out the bitchy and calculative side that we do not want to be.
i don't have much to say about the fakes. they are the worst of the lot. they pretend they care, and they often say the nicest things you want to hear. but they don't mean it. and they don't even care. when they're bored they don't mind hearing you pour your heart out but if someone of higher priority needs them for minor requirements (like maybe a broken fingernail), they invariably dump you by the side. these people exist to be popular and your place in their hierarchy is decided plainly by how much you can increase your popularity.
it's lovely the kind of people that exist in the world. and even after you read this, i do not require your sudden and unexpected empathy or two cents worth. it has been a long lonely night. and the only thing i want to hear is a promise for a brighter day tomorrow.
so long and goodnight.
lights off, pyjamas on
10:46 PM
Monday, January 05, 2009
shall write abit before i head off to bed. gosh camp tomorrow again, such a drudgery and now i truly understand how the working class anticipate the weekend with bated breath. so with less than four hours of sleep, i shall approach the new week with the strongest of resolves, but the weakest of resources HA.
just watched manu beat southampton in the FAcup. saints were unlucky, the referee was abit crazy. but it was good seeing young ones like welbeck and gibson get on the scoresheet. still hate nani tho, little whiny shit.
yesterday we went for butterfactory's closing night. had quite abit of fun actually. it was eric and daiwen's last night in singapore for awhile since they're heading to thailand for over a week. we went with amos, zhi, josey and his gf and of course being the popular people they are, we met a million other people there and proceeded to have alot of drinks and fun. best moment of the night though was ordering maccers for breakfast heh.
right now, i am missing summer alot. even though it's shitass hot in singapore and i'm sweating as i am writing this, it's a different kinda feeling altogether. back in melbourne, you actually embrace the heat because you know you're probably at the beach, waiting to jump into the water. in summer, it's understood that everyone walks around in singlets and boardies. but in singapore, etiquette and upper-class elitism necessitates the need for people to be walking around in shirts and pants in 30degree temperatures.
if i were in melbourne now, i would wake up bright and early (ok not THAT early), take the tram down to St Kilda and lay by the beach. if we have a ball we can kick around or if not, i'll just jump into the water when it goes too hot. after that, decked in my shades and straw hat, we'll head up to SoulMama for a nice huge bowl of potato skins and a couple pints of BeezNeez. what i would give to be back in melbourne right now.
fact of the matter is. Camp. Tomorrow. Wakeup. 6am.
lights off, pyjamas on
2:01 AM
Friday, January 02, 2009
the last week or so has been pretty packed with activities i wish i had blogged about them earlier in case of memory recall failure. but i will try nonetheless.
i know i went out on saturday night but i can't remember what we did. oh now i remember. i was meant to meet marc and eric in town but they were helping marc's mum do some errands and i was alone in town for about 2 hours and i actually had fun. haha i do like my alone time so i walked around town, bought a comic from kino, sat down and had coffee at starbucks. all really random stuff that are actually part of my weekly activities back in melbourne. i do miss my alone time, or rather, self-appreciation sessions haha. after we met we headed back to eric's to chill by the pool where we were joined by josey, his girlfriend and her friend.
sunday was a blast. headed down to raffles hotel for marc's mum's wedding afterparty. from the photos on facebook, you can see it was fun. from singing happy birthday to shumin when the clock struck 12, to actually supporting marc sing on stage, it was all pretty awesome. up to the point when everyone left except the three of us and marc's kid brother david, and we were trying to finish up the alcohol by the steps lol. so much for ordering "9 of everything!"
puked the moment i got out of the taxi, and puked at alexandra hospital on monday morning when i was seeing my orthopedic. nuff said haha.
tuesday night was cool. eric fetched daiwen from the airport and then we all met at holland. it was fun hanging out in a rather big group (i say rather cos i know to other happening people, a group of 7 is considered small haha). so there was: marc me chuin eric daiwen zhi amos & yongs. that makes 8 people haha i havent been out with this many people for ages. it was fun cause all we did was chat and make jokes, amidst eating and finding a pub still open for drinks. we gave up and eventually had tiger beer at kopitiam lol.
wednesday was EVEN better. after taking mc (and getting cough mixture and CAFFEINE pills!!) which already made my day, i went to find marc. i then had my first go at guitarhero and it was soooooooo fun. i think i'm gonna get me an xbox360 or ps3 or wii soon altho guitarhero3 can now be played on pc too. but i think i need a platform. i spend too much time on my laptop so a gaming platform will make me a less boring, more adventurous person.
we had lunch at ghim moh with eric, daiwen, amos, ty and beth. after our lunch, we watched chuin have hers cause she was terribly late haha. went home to get my stuff and headed straight down to fairmont. it was really fun in the early parts of the evening. first we just horsed around but then despite the homo-erotic nuances, we engaged in a game of strip poker, where daiwen played dealer, judge and photographer. funniest part was just before the game when everyone was desperately putting on more clothes (zhi declared he was wearing the guitar?!?), until we came up with a maximum 5 piece of clothing rule.
despite tat marc and me being down to 2 pieces of clothing left early on, we chickened our way to the end and eventually, zhi defeated eric and amos in a triple threat showdown. pizza then arrived which was absolutely so good that i even ate the one with mushrooms ha.
rest of the night was pretty fun. david joined us and eric took particular thrill in trying to get a 13 year old drunk. jwong arrived already drunk and proceeded to being the life of the party up till his departure to ANOTHER party, much to the chagrin of me and josey, who had arrived with the girlfriend. more people popped up here and there and everyone took turns drinking, it was really funny after awhile.
we ushered in 2009 with failed firework attempts, champagne and best friends all around. minus the first two, here's me hoping the rest of the year will be the same! gabriel out.
lights off, pyjamas on
12:12 AM